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    当前位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 培养基 > 美国BD培养基 > Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ar, 3 mL228201 Difco Salmonella H Antise美国BD培养基13918438053

    228201 Difco Salmonella H Antise美国BD培养基13918438053

    近期现货库存 231971新生霉素添加剂 10ML6
    212000营养琼脂100 g
    213000营养琼脂500 g
    211665营养琼脂2 kg
    269100营养琼脂,1.5%500 g
    263410pH6.0营养琼脂500 g
    223100营养琼脂W/MUG100 g

    • 产品型号:Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ar, 3 mL
    • 厂商性质:代理商
    • 更新时间:2024-03-07
    • 访  问  量:808


    近期期货订购 021 51619380 华 

    240786 BBL Febrile Antigen Set  7395
    240834 /BBL Salmonella Flagellar a Antigen 5 mL 436
    240835 /BBL Salmonella Flagellar b Antigen 5 mL 432
    240785 /BBL Salmonella Flagellar d Antigen 5 mL 424
    240731 /BBL Salmonella O Group A Antigen 5 mL 2171
    240732 /BBL Salmonella O Group B Antigen 5 mL 1192
    240734 /BBL Salmonella O Group D Antigen 5 mL 418
    240782 /BBL Proteus OX 19 Antigen 5 mL 407
    240783 /BBL Proteus OX 2 Antigen 5 mL 1294
    240784 Proteus OX K Antigen  5 mL 1194
    241050 Francisella Tularensis Antigen   1618
    241049 BBL  5 mL 1146
    225851 Bordela Pertussis Antigenr 5 mL 1909
    228441 Salmonella H Antigen ar  #VALUE!
    225851 Bordela Pertussis Antigenr 5 mL 1909
    223031 Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Slide)r 5 mL 4058
    223051 Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Tube)r 25 mL #VALUE!
    223041 Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Slide)r 5 mL 4122
    223061 Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Tube)r 25 mL #VALUE!
    221161 QC Antigen Alkalescens-Dispar Group 1r 1 mL 918
    221301 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ar 1 mL 539
    221311 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Br 1 mL 606
    221321 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C1r 1 mL 540
    221331 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C2r 1 mL 849
    221341 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Dr 1 mL 768
    211750 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E1r 1 mL 535
    211751 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E2r 1 mL 1252
    221371 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E4r 1 mL 1230
    211753 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Fr 1 mL 978
    211754 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group G1r 1 mL 1292
    221401 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Hr 1 mL 1253
    211757 QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ir 1 mL 1229
    221421 QC Antigen Salmonella Vir 1 mL 538
    221001 QC antigen Shigella Group Ar 1 mL 532
    211737 QC antigen Shigella Group A1r 1 mL 1002
    211738 QC antigen Shigella Group Br 1 mL 544
    221031 QC antigen Shigella Group Cr 1 mL 538
    221041 QC antigen Shigella Group C1r 1 mL 960
    221051 QC antigen Shigella Group C2r 1 mL 949
    221061 QC antigen Shigella Group Dr 1 mL 541
    223101 Bordela parapertussis Antiserumr 1 mL 1184
    223091 Bordela pertussis Antiserumr 1 mL 780
    223781 FA Bordela Parapertussisr  5 mL 2539
    223781 FA Bordela Parapertussisr  5 mL 2539
    223591 FA Bordela Pertussisr  5 mL 2519
    223591 FA Bordela Pertussisr  5 mL 2519
    221591 E coli H Antiserum H7r  3 mL 1065
    229701 E coli O Antiserum O157r  3 mL 2134
    240934 BBL Brucella Positive Control AMS,  5 mL 1079
    240937 BBL Febrile Negative Control  5 mL 993
    240939 BBL Francisella Tularensis Antiserum  5 mL 5114
    240940 BBL Proteus Polyvalent Antiserum  5 mL 1079
    240941 BBL Salmonella Somatic Poly Antiserum  5 mL 1079
    240942 BBL Salmonella Flagellar Poly Antiserum  5 mL 1079
    222371 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Polyr  1 mL 769
    222501 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type ar  1 mL 816
    222361 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type br 1 mL 353
    227891 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type cr 1 mL 855
    227901 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type dr 1 mL 857
    227911 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type er 1 mL 854
    227921 Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type fr 1 mL 859
    223021 Listeria O Antiserum Poly Types 1 & 4r 1 mL 749
    223001 Listeria O Antiserum Type 1r  1 mL 789
    223011 Listeria O Antiserum Type 4r  1 mL 782
    222281 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar 1 mL 574
    222291 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Br 1 mL 1518
    222301 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Cr  1 mL 572
    222311 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr  1 mL 1680
    222531 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r  1 mL 575
    228801 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Xr 1 mL 1639
    228811 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Yr  1 mL 574
    228911 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Zr 1 mL 1855
    222521 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z’r 1 mL 1847
    222321 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly, Groups A, B, C, Dr 1 mL 1427
    229101 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly 2, Groups X, Y, Zr 1 mL 1559
    240995 Salmonella O Grouping Kit  14834
    240983 Salmonella O Antiserum Group A 3 mL 2994
    240984 Salmonella O Antiserum Group B 3 mL 768
    240985 Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1 3 mL 924
    240986 Salmonella O Antiserum Group C2L 3 mL 3038
    240987 Salmonella O Antiserum Group D 3 mL 768
    240988 Salmonella O Antiserum Group E  3 mL 887
    240989 Salmonella O Antiserum Group F 3 mL 1901
    240990 Salmonella O Antiserum Group G  3 mL 1740
    240991 Salmonella O Antiserum Group H 3 mL 3072
    240992 Salmonella O Antiserum Group I  3 mL 1891
    240993 Salmonella O Antiserum Group Poly A-I & Vi 3 mL 708
    240994 Salmonella Vi Antiserum 3 mL 929
    228201 Salmonella H Antiserum ar 3 mL 1259
    228211 Salmonella H Antiserum br 3 mL 1315
    228221 Salmonella H Antiserum cr  3 mL 1315
    228231 Salmonella H Antiserum dr 3 mL 1130
    222731 Salmonella H Antiserum her 3 mL 1383
    225441 Salmonella H Antiserum fr 3 mL 1364
    225451 Salmonella H Antiserum hr 3 mL 1383
    228241 Salmonella H Antiserum ir 3 mL 1150
    222741 Salmonella H Antiserum kr 3 mL 1315
    225461 Salmonella H Antiserum mr 3 mL 1155
    225481 Salmonella H Antiserum pr 3 mL 1312
    222751 Salmonella H Antiserum rr 3 mL 1390
    225501 Salmonella H Antiserum sr 3 mL 1331
    225511 Salmonella H Antiserum tr 3 mL 1401
    225541 Salmonella H Antiserum wr 3 mL 1387
    225551 Salmonella H Antiserum xr 3 mL 1326
    222761 Salmonella H Antiserum yr  3 mL 1396
    222771 Salmonella H Antiserum zr  3 mL 1394
    224731 Salmonella H Antiserum z6  1321
    222791 Salmonella H Antiserum z10  1317
    225561 Salmonella H Antiserum z13  1390
    225571 Salmonella H Antiserum z15  1324
    225581 Salmonella H Antiserum z23  1490
    225611 Salmonella H Antiserum z28  1498
    222801 Salmonella H Antiserum z29  1320
    225621 Salmonella H Antiserum z32  1501
    222701 Salmonella H Antiserum EN Complexr 3 mL 1114
    222691 Salmonella H Antiserum G Complexr  3 mL 1330
    222711 Salmonella H Antiserum L Complexr  3 mL 1115
    222781 Salmonella H Antiserum Z4 Complexr 3 mL 1318
    224061 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly a-z, EN, G, L, Z4, and 1 complexes and a-k, r-z, z6, z10, z29 agglutininsr 3 mL 1058
    225391 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A, Factors a, b, c, d, i, z10, z29  1317
    225401 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly B, Factors eh, en, enx, enz15 and G Complexr 3 mL 1317
    225411 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly C, Factors k, l, r, y, z, z4  1316
    225421 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D, Factors z35, z36, z37, z38, z39, z41, z42  1326
    225431 Salmonella H Antiserum Poly E, 1 Complex, z6  1317
    224741 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 2r 3 mL 4590
    224751 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 5r 3 mL 1314
    224761 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 6r 3 mL 1320
    224771 Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 7r 3 mL 1387
    222651 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 1r  3 mL 1130
    222661 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 2r  3 mL 1123
    222671 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 3r 3 mL 1114
    222681 Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 4r 3 mL 1120
    222721 Salmonella H Antiserum 1 Complexr 3 mL 1092
    226591 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 4, Group Br 3 mL 1084
    228151 Salmonella O Antiserum Factors 4, 5, Group Br  3 mL 531
    226601 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 5, Group Br 3 mL 1327
    228161 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 7, Groups C1 and C4r 3 mL 571
    228171 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 8, Groups C2 and C3r 3 mL 571
    228181 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 9, Group Dr 3 mL 2109
    222571 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 10, Group E1r 3 mL 1266
    226611 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 14r 3 mL 2197
    222581 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 15, Groups E2 and E3r 3 mL 1300
    222591 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 19, Group E4r 3 mL 1289
    226621 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 20r 3 mL 2196
    226631 almonella O Antiserum Factor 22, Group G1r 3 mL 1527
    226641 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 23, Group G2r  3 mL 1529
    226661 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 25r 3 mL 2201
    226671 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 27r 3 mL 1523
    211778 Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 34, Group E3r  3 mL 1532
    211780 Salmonella O Antiserum Group J Factor 17r 3 mL 2464
    225181 Salmonella O Antiserum Group K Factor 18r 3 mL 1306
    225191 Salmonella O Antiserum Group L Factor 21r 3 mL 2202
    211781 Salmonella O Antiserum Group M Factor 28r 3 mL 2856
    211783 Salmonella O Antiserum Group N Factor 30r  3 mL 2202
    225221 Salmonella O Antiserum Group O Factor 35r  3 mL 2249
    225341 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A, Groups A, B, D, E1, E2, E3, E4 and Lr 3 mL 469
    225351 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly B, Groups C1, C2, F, G and Hr 3 mL 593
    225361 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly C, Groups I, J, K, M, N and Or 3 mL 1066
    225371 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly D, Groups P, Q, R, S, T and Ur  3 mL 1083
    225381 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly E, Groups V, W, X, Y and Zr 3 mL 1249
    226451 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly F, Groups 51-55r 3 mL 1301
    226461 Salmonella O Antiserum Poly G, Groups 56-61r 3 mL 1252
    240996 Shigella Grouping Antisera Set  16621
    241025 Shigella Antiserum Poly A 3 mL 3030
    241026 Shigella Antiserum Poly A1 3 mL 1892
    241027 Shigella Antiserum Poly B 3 mL 3037
    241028 Shigella Antiserum Poly C 3 mL 1974
    241029 Shigella Antiserum Poly C1 3 mL 1881
    241030 Shigella Antiserum Poly C2 3 mL 1878
    241031 Shigella Antiserum Poly D 3 mL 3042
    224301 Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inabar 3 mL 1618
    224311 Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawar 3 mL 1618
    224321 Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyr 3 mL 1608
    223001 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 1  789
    223011 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 4  782
    228911 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z,  1ml 1855
    222281 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar  1ml 574
    222311 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr  1ml 1680
    222531 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r  1ml 575
    222521 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z'r  1ml 1847
    213320 BOTTLE LIVER  500G 515
    240786 Difco/BBL Febrile Antigen Set  7395
    240834 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar a Antigen, 5 mL  436
    240835 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar b Antigen, 5 mL   432
    240785 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar d Antigen, 5 mL  424
    240731 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group A Antigen, 5 mL  2171
    240732 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group B Antigen, 5 mL  1192
    240734 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Group D Antigen, 5 mL  418
    240782 Difco/BBL Proteus OX 19 Antigen, 5 mL  407
    240783 Difco/BBL Proteus OX 2 Antigen, 5 mL  1294
    240784 Difco/BBL Proteus OX K Antigen, 5 mL   1194
    241050 Difco/BBL Francisella Tularensis Antigen   1618
    241049 Difco/BBL Brucella abortus Antigen, 5 mL   1146
    225851 Difco Bordela Pertussis Antigenr, 5 mL  1909
    228441 Difco Salmonella H Antigen ar  #VALUE!
    225851 Difco Bordela Pertussis Antigenr, 5 mL  1909
    223031 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Slide)r, 5 mL  4058
    223051 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Tube)r, 25 mL  #VALUE!
    223041 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Slide)r, 5 mL  4122
    223061 Difco Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Tube)r, 25 mL  #VALUE!
    221161 Difco QC Antigen Alkalescens-Dispar Group 1r, 1 mL  918
    221301 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ar, 1 mL  539
    221311 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Br, 1 mL  606
    221321 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C1r, 1 mL  540
    221331 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group C2r, 1 mL  849
    221341 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Dr, 1 mL  768
    211750 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E1r, 1 mL  535
    211751 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E2r, 1 mL  1252
    221371 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group E4r, 1 mL  1230
    211753 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Fr, 1 mL  978
    211754 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group G1r, 1 mL  1292
    221401 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Hr, 1 mL  1253
    211757 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella O Group Ir, 1 mL  1229
    221421 Difco QC Antigen Salmonella Vir, 1 mL  538
    221001 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Ar, 1 mL  532
    211737 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group A1r, 1 mL  1002
    211738 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Br, 1 mL  544
    221031 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Cr, 1 mL  538
    221041 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group C1r, 1 mL  960
    221051 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group C2r, 1 mL  949
    221061 Difco QC antigen Shigella Group Dr, 1 mL  541
    223101 Difco Bordela parapertussis Antiserumr, 1 mL  1184
    223091 Difco Bordela pertussis Antiserumr, 1 mL  780
    223781 Difco FA Bordela Parapertussisr, 5 mL  2539
    223781 Difco FA Bordela Parapertussisr, 5 mL  2539
    223591 Difco FA Bordela Pertussisr, 5 mL  2519
    223591 Difco FA Bordela Pertussisr, 5 mL  2519
    221591 Difco E coli H Antiserum H7r, 3 mL  1065
    229701 Difco E coli O Antiserum O157r, 3 mL  2134
    240934 Difco/BBL Brucella Positive Control AMS, 5 mL  1079
    240937 Difco/BBL Febrile Negative Control, 5 mL   993
    240939 Difco/BBL Francisella Tularensis Antiserum, 5 mL   5114
    240940 Difco/BBL Proteus Polyvalent Antiserum, 5 mL   1079
    240941 Difco/BBL Salmonella Somatic Poly Antiserum, 5 mL   1079
    240942 Difco/BBL Salmonella Flagellar Poly Antiserum, 5 mL  1079
    222371 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Polyr, 1 mL  769
    222501 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type ar, 1 mL   816
    222361 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type br, 1 mL  353
    227891 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type cr, 1 mL   855
    227901 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type dr, 1 mL  857
    227911 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type er, 1 mL   854
    227921 Difco Haemophilus Influenzae Antiserum Type fr, 1 mL  859
    223021 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Poly Types 1 & 4r, 1 mL   749
    223001 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Type 1r, 1 mL   789
    223011 Difco Listeria O Antiserum Type 4r, 1 mL   782
    222281 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar, 1 mL   574
    222291 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Br, 1 mL   1518
    222301 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Cr, 1 mL   572
    222311 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr, 1 mL   1680
    222531 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r, 1 mL   575
    228801 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Xr, 1 mL   1639
    228811 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Yr, 1 mL   574
    228911 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Zr, 1 mL  1855
    222521 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z’r, 1 mL  1847
    222321 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly, Groups A, B, C, Dr, 1 mL  1427
    229101 Difco Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Poly 2, Groups X, Y, Zr, 1 mL  1559
    240995 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Grouping Kit  14834
    240983 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group A, 3 mL  2994
    240984 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group B, 3 mL   768
    240985 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1, 3 mL  924
    240986 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group C2, 3 mL  3038
    240987 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group D, 3 mL  768
    240988 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group E, 3 mL   887
    240989 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group F, 3 mL  1901
    240990 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group G, 3 mL   1740
    240991 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group H, 3 mL  3072
    240992 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group I, 3 mL   1891
    240993 Difco/BBL Salmonella O Antiserum Group Poly A-I & Vi, 3 mL  708
    240994 Difco/BBL Salmonella Vi Antiserum, 3 mL  929
    228201 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ar, 3 mL  1259
    228211 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum br, 3 mL  1315
    228221 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum cr, 3 mL   1315
    228231 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum dr, 3 mL  1130
    222731 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ehr, 3 mL  1383
    225441 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum fr, 3 mL   1364
    225451 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum hr, 3 mL  1383
    228241 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum ir, 3 mL  1150
    222741 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum kr, 3 mL  1315
    225461 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum mr, 3 mL  1155
    225481 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum pr, 3 mL  1312
    222751 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum rr, 3 mL   1390
    225501 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum sr, 3 mL   1331
    225511 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum tr, 3 mL   1401
    225541 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum wr, 3 mL  1387
    225551 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum xr, 3 mL   1326
    222761 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum yr, 3 mL   1396
    222771 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum zr, 3 mL   1394
    224731 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z6  1321
    222791 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z10  1317
    225561 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z13  1390
    225571 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z15  1324
    225581 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z23  1490
    225611 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z28  1498
    222801 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z29  1320
    225621 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum z32  1501
    222701 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum EN Complexr, 3 mL  1114
    222691 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum G Complexr, 3 mL   1330
    222711 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum L Complexr, 3 mL   1115
    222781 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Z4 Complexr, 3 mL  1318
    224061 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly a-z, EN, G, L, Z4, and 1 complexes and a-k, r-z, z6, z10, z29 agglutininsr, 3 mL   1058
    225391 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A, Factors a, b, c, d, i, z10, z29  1317
    225401 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly B, Factors eh, en, enx, enz15 and G Complexr, 3 mL   1317
    225411 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly C, Factors k, l, r, y, z, z4  1316
    225421 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D, Factors z35, z36, z37, z38, z39, z41, z42  1326
    225431 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Poly E, 1 Complex, z6  1317
    224741 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 2r, 3 mL  4590
    224751 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 5r, 3 mL  1314
    224761 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 6r, 3 mL  1320
    224771 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 7r, 3 mL  1387
    222651 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 1r, 3 mL   1130
    222661 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 2r, 3 mL   1123
    222671 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 3r, 3 mL   1114
    222681 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 4r, 3 mL   1120
    222721 Difco Salmonella H Antiserum 1 Complexr, 3 mL  1092
    226591 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 4, Group Br, 3 mL  1084
    228151 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factors 4, 5, Group Br, 3 mL   531
    226601 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 5, Group Br, 3 mL  1327
    228161 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 7, Groups C1 and C4r, 3 mL  571
    228171 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 8, Groups C2 and C3r, 3 mL  571
    228181 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 9, Group Dr, 3 mL   2109
    222571 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 10, Group E1r, 3 mL   1266
    226611 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 14r, 3 mL  2197
    222581 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 15, Groups E2 and E3r, 3 mL  1300
    222591 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 19, Group E4r, 3 mL   1289
    226621 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 20r, 3 mL  2196
    226631 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 22, Group G1r, 3 mL   1527
    226641 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 23, Group G2r, 3 mL   1529
    226661 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 25r, 3 mL  2201
    226671 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 27r, 3 mL  1523
    211778 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 34, Group E3r, 3 mL   1532
    211780 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group J Factor 17r, 3 mL  2464
    225181 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group K Factor 18r, 3 mL  1306
    225191 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group L Factor 21r, 3 mL   2202
    211781 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group M Factor 28r, 3 mL  2856
    211783 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group N Factor 30r, 3 mL   2202
    225221 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Group O Factor 35r, 3 mL   2249
    225341 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A, Groups A, B, D, E1, E2, E3, E4 and Lr, 3 mL   469
    225351 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly B, Groups C1, C2, F, G and Hr, 3 mL   593
    225361 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly C, Groups I, J, K, M, N and Or, 3 mL   1066
    225371 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly D, Groups P, Q, R, S, T and Ur, 3 mL   1083
    225381 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly E, Groups V, W, X, Y and Zr, 3 mL  1249
    226451 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly F, Groups 51-55r, 3 mL   1301
    226461 Difco Salmonella O Antiserum Poly G, Groups 56-61r, 3 mL  1252
    240996 Difco/BBL Shigella Grouping Antisera Set  16621
    241025 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly A, 3 mL  3030
    241026 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly A1, 3 mL  1892
    241027 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly B, 3 mL   3037
    241028 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C, 3 mL  1974
    241029 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C1, 3 mL  1881
    241030 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly C2, 3 mL  1878
    241031 Difco/BBL Shigella Antiserum Poly D, 3 mL  3042
    224301 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inabar, 3 mL  1618
    224311 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawar, 3 mL  1618
    224321 Difco Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyr, 3 mL  1608
    223001 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 1  789
    223011 VIAL LISTERIA O ANTIS TYPE 4  782
    228911 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z, 1ml  1855
    222281 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Ar,1ml  574
    222311 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Dr,1ml  1680
    222531 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group W135r,1ml  575
    222521 Neisseria Meningitidis Antiserum Group Z'r,1ml  1847
    213320 BOTTLE LIVER 500G  515



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